Jiunn-Chia Huang

United States


New Grad looking for job




jimmypupu has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Yahoo!•  June 2018 - August 2019

    • Image Search for Yahoo Shopping on fashion categories - Improved the UI flow in Y! shopping by applying real-time object detection model, retrieving feedback instantly. - Trained YOLO model to detect objects of 5 fashion categories with IOU=0.8, F1-score=0.86. - Implemented the front-end model in prototype, with CoreML architecture on iOS system. • Smart Outfit Recommendation after image search - Recommended the complementary product based on the outfit images and the object user intend to search. - Iterated through the product image of Yahoo by YOLOv3 to define images containing outfit collection. - Ran similarity search on outfit images, product images and the object user uploaded to get the most similar one. • Second Prize of the Best Internship Award, Oath, 2018


jimmypupu has not updated education details yet.


jimmypupu has not updated skills details yet.