Jhonatan Rivero


Backend Developer


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Work Experience

  • Senior Software Engineer

    BetConnections•  August 2022 - Present

    Development of API integration project with the Adonis.JS framework, an online betting gateway, for administrative profiles, suppliers, customers, and end users. • Achieved 100% general satisfaction on the deliverable, replacing a previous system version. • A 40% increase in company sales was obtained by migrating clients and getting new clients. ● Development of the API project with the AdonisJS framework for inquiries about other administration projects and the sale of customizable web platforms for clients. ● I managed to make an API deliverable for web platform queries with 100% Satisfaction. ● It was possible to develop a commercial product that generated an increase in revenue for the company of an estimated 30% in the first quarter.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    B&P, C.A.•  December 2021 - March 2022

    ● I have developed an application that complements the inventory of the PSKloud system for a hardware importer, automating changes in the MySQL database, which allowed generating significant improvements in the production and logistics of the company by more than 70%.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    Cronapis•  August 2020 - August 2021

    ● I developed a solution for the administration and control of the registration of entrances and exits of the personnel, reaching the satisfaction of 100% of the delivered project. ● This development made it possible to optimize the performance of the company's personnel by 40%. ● The labor cost was reduced by 20% due to the control of hours worked in work periods. ● An API solution is implemented that allows communication between Android devices and the company's server, to capture the hours of working days. ● It was possible to manage and optimize the performance of the company's field personnel by 90%. ● Development of a console project for the synchronization of biometric devices nationwide in the Republic of Panama using the intranet of the company GRUPO MELO. ● Increased the productivity performance of the company's staff on a national scale.

  • Software Engineer

    Pizzeria and Restaurant Flaco's•  May 2010 - February 2011

    ◉ Development of a solution in C# language and database with SQL Server, for the use of order orders for the company's products, being able to choose more than 4000 combinations where the final price of the product sold is automatically generated. It also has user management and price changes. ◉ This project was developed as a desktop application for Windows using windows forms technology. ◉ Plan and design the database structure for this project. ◉ The implementation of this project had a positive impact on the administration of the company's raw material resources, as well as the control of cash flow at the points of sale.


  • Territorial Polytechnic University of Trujillo State “Mario Briceño Irragorry”

    Computer Science & Engineering, B.Tech•  November 2014 - August 2019

    Qualification: 18.6 / 20


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