Work Experience
Software Engineer
Altimetrik•  November 2020 - Present
Working for PayPal from Altimetrik
Software Engineer
Knexta•  March 2020 - September 2020
Worked as a full stack developer and ui/ux analyst as an intern
Software Engineer
GUVI•  October 2019 - December 2019
Worked as a frontend developer and ui/ux designer as project intern
Software Engineer
Krishtec•  March 2019 - April 2019
IoT developer and hardware tech analyst
implant trainee
SMI tech park•  November 2017 - November 2017
Did implant training in Java basics
SVS Group of Institutions, Warangal
Electronics and communication Engineering, BE•  June 2016 - March 2020
Graduated with 70% score with technical skills and with good communication skills
jeraldking524_n has not updated skills details yet.