Iswarya Ananthakrishnan



Software developer


Problem Solving


iswarya17 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Development Engineer - 2 - Backend

    ZoomRx healthcare Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd•  October 2021 - Present

    • Improved internal data security and access control by implementing custom policies using Conduit API (an HTTP API for Phabricator) and Bitnami Docker. • Optimized primary server performance by conducting research on various AWS services including S3, SQS, Lambda, CloudWatch Logs, then built a Python server for ZoomRx auxiliary features. • Achieved seamless transition, upgrading Employee Management portal to the latest CakePHP version, with 96% issue-free migration and zero critical issues. • Single-handedly ensured uninterrupted service by resolving live issues and ad hoc requests in Customer Engagement and ZoomRx Administration Portals, achieving 86% SLO compliance, and earning an 80% customer satisfaction rating. • Coordinated with a cross functional team and provided timely communication to stakeholders, including higher management on the progress. • Maintained detailed task records, identified process improvements, streamlining operations and reducing manual work.

  • Software Development Engineer - 1 - Backend

    ZoomRx healthcare Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd•  July 2020 - October 2021

    • Key contributor in building APIs and maintaining backend for the Employee Performance and Customer Engagement Portals. • Maintained and enhanced the Fraud Identification System, an automated tool for spotting fraudulent users, slashing manual review rates by 91%.


  • COE, Guindy (College of Engineering)

    Computer Science & Engineering, BE•  August 2016 - September 2020

    Grade - 8.71/10 GPA


iswarya17 has not updated skills details yet.