Work Experience
Software Engineer
Airbus•  April 2023 - December 2023
I actively participated in workshops focused on improving the storage of data from signals circulating in our aircraft calculator. This involved designing a tracing process for signal circulation (resource mapping service). I conducted a thorough analysis of files containing information about the aircraft calculator signals and their characteristics, along with reviewing the existing Python code responsible for the resource mapping service. I designed the database structure covering both MFC-NG and ifCC calculators. Rigorous testing and validation of the database were performed following Agile Scrum methodology. I professionally presented and documented tools considered for web application development, obtained necessary certificates for tool installation, and implemented user management within our database model, handling access and permissions. The project was decomposed into distinct modules for efficient management. I created an authentication page for our application, developed a tool for asynchronously updating our database with changes, implemented a form to select a signal for mapping, and designed an animation tool to track the mapped path through calculator interfaces. Additionally, I developed a recording tool to store results and inputs in our calculator model. The deployment of our web application on AWS was tested, and weekly meetings were held to present and validate features and services developed with the internship supervisor, aligning with Agile development methodology.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electronique, d'Electrotechnique, d'Informatique et d'Hydraulique de Toulouse
Data Science, ME•  September 2020 - August 2022
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