Luís Iannetta



Software Engineer at Telefonica


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Sênior System Analyst / Project Leader

    Banco Original•  2014 - 2016

  • Sênior System Analyst / Technical Leader

    VIVO•  2012 - 2014

  • Sênior System Analyst / Technical Leader

    Portugal Telecom•  2014 - 2014


  • Faculdade de Informática e Administração Paulista (FIAP)

    Cyber Security, MS•  March 2021 - Present

    We are living a new normal. At this challenging time, the likelihood and impact of cyber attacks has increased, so good security practices cannot be left aside, especially now, that the survival of a company increasingly depends on the performance of its technology area. And as attackers exploit unprecedented situations and organizational and cultural changes, investing in Cybersecurity has become the new essential. Cybersecurity is among the most valued STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) careers in recent years. In this scenario, the demand for these professionals tends to grow. The new laws and regulations related to privacy, such as LGPD and GDPR, reinforce the need for organizations to develop business responsibly, using cybersecurity techniques and tools to obtain better results.

  • Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

    Project Management, MS•  2014 - 2015

  • Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo

    Computer Science, BS•  2009 - 2012


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