hsingh090291 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Research Assistant
University of Regina•  January 2021 - April 2024
Conducted in-depth research and developed an advanced Intrusion Detection System (IDS) utilizing probabilistic reasoning techniques to detect and mitigate DoS/DDoS attacks. Implemented AI algorithms using Bayesian Networks and Markov Networks to enhance detection accuracy and response times. Analyzed network traffic data using Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch to train and test the IDS, achieving a high detection rate with minimal false positives. Employed tools such as Zeek, Wireshark, and Scikit-learn for data collection, preprocessing, and feature extraction, leading to robust and reliable IDS performance.
Senior Software Engineer
Planetcast Media Services ltd•  February 2016 - November 2020
Led and managed a 17-member offshore team to develop a rewards-based tool, contributing to a significant increase in sales. Developed and implemented effective cybersecurity plans to maintain security of computer files. Encrypted data transmissions and erected firewalls to conceal confidential information. Recognized 250+ new viruses and malware, safeguarding over 60 websites without any major attacks. Mentored employees on cybersecurity best practices.
University of Regina
MS in Computer Science•  January 2021 - April 2024•  Percentage: 81.6