heidari_m has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Teacher Assistance of Communication and Visualization for Data Analytics
Northeastern University•  January 2020 - March 2020
• Assisted queries of 20+ students by making liaison between what they learned in the visualization class and problems they need to solve • Supervised students to create BI tools with providing tutorial handouts for reporting purposes, Tableau, Rshiny, Excel • Used Tableau to generate different dashboards (that includes different graphs with filters and legends to make them more customize and user friendly) from different sources and worksheet (by blending and joining them), edited mislead visualization and made them perfect • Made aggregative and complex calculation and split or blend columns
Pro-Bono Consultant
ClearSky Power company•  September 2019 - December 2019
• Generate complex Excel worksheet to make a different kind of dynamic graphs to compare trend and seasonality of the generators data sets and the standards • Created a project financial portfolio that can be shared with potential investors
Head of the Executive Team of The Confernece
Tarbiat Modares University•  January 2018 - May 2018
• Held the Conference on Electronic Business in Digital Transformation Context with cooperation Business college faculty members of the university • Led and Synchronized a team of 5 students to carry out advertising, sing contracts, presentation and guest reception management amongst other crucial parts of organizing the conference • Managed 3 various of present rooms with overall 20 presentations and 40 posters, established articles in two national business magazines
Procurement Officer/ Supply Chain Analyst
Henkel•  September 2015 - January 2018
• Managed and processed numerous orders per week (at least 15 orders weekly) (gathered orders from factories, negotiated with suppliers and processed invoices, ordered products, and helped brokers in importing products) by using Ms. Outlook, Ms. Excel and company’s specific software • Finalized the payment and fulfilled the orders via collecting boarding bills and documents of imported products and contacting banks • Generated the Excel files in order to model and develop business solutions to increase transaction (Which, resulted in performance improvement by 80% and optimize the time of managing orders from one week to 2 workdays)
Northeastern University, Boston
Data Analytics, MS•  January 2019 - March 2020
University of Science and Culture
Business Administration, MS•  September 2014 - February 2017
University of Tehran
Chemical Engineering, BS•  September 2009 - June 2014
heidari_m has not updated skills details yet.