Work Experience
Senior Software Engineer
Visa• July 2018 - Present
DevOps engineer in Open VisaNet project(one of Visa’s Key initiative that will support in-country processing solutions and provide Visa an opportunity to move from existing mainframe to distributed architecture). It is the next generation payment processing platform. Responsibilities: 1) Creating CI/CD infrastructure that reduces the time to deliver with high reliability 2) Developing certificate management tools 3) Developing and integrating config as a service into CI/CD 4) Release Management Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Monitoring tools(evaluation phase), Splunk, Cassandra, Aerospike, Jenkins, Go
Associate Software Engineer
Unisys• August 2016 - July 2018
Linesight(Risk Analysis Product for Border Security Forces) Developing ingestion services for by using ABNF grammar, MongoDB and Nifi which helped in improving parsing rate of Airline Cargo messages to 99.4% for Linesight. ActiveInsights PharmaTrack Developed CI pipeline by integrating Jenkins with Bitbucket, Amazon ECR, Nexus artifact manager and SonarQube Scanner. PoC: Elastic stack for the application. ClearPath Forward Fabric Developed fix for Nagios CVEs(CVE-2016-6209, CVE-2016-10089). Automated the testing process for CPF Fabric which eliminated manual time effort on 1055 tests.
Dell• 2016 - 2016
Associate Engineer
Unisys• 2016
Sir MVIT, Bangalore (Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology)
Computer Science, BE• 2012 - 2016
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