Work Experience
Software Engineer
Hack for LA•  June 2020 - Present
• Took Project Team Meetings page, which was out of compliance with the existing style guide, and implemented changes to front-end using Sass. • Developed Survey Reporting Dashboard Guide Page from scratch and created mix-in classes for detailed positioning on further guide pages. • Received and developed front-end based on Figma designs. Languages / Technology: HTML, Sass / SCSS, JavaScript, GitHub Pages, GitHub Project Board, Jekyll, Docker.
General Assembly
Software Engineering, Certificate•  April 2020 - July 2020
Projects: • ComponentLibrary: Within a timeframe of 2 weeks, I scaled up on Ruby and Ruby on Rails and paired them with my existing knowledge of React and PostgreSQL to develop a full-stack application that allows developers to store an image and code snippet for UI components. Features include post sharing, copying, dynamically sorted tags, search functionality, and user profiles. • CommonPlace: Collaborated in a group of three developers to develop and deploy a full-stack application using the MEAN stack. We utilized pair programming to deploy the application and finalize user authentication. I set up the models directory, show page, and the front-end of the login and signup page. • SimplyBudget: Developed and deployed full-stack budgeting application using the MEEN Stack. Features include custom middleware to authenticate user presence and existing user budget plan to determine routing, persistent login sessions using passport and express-session, and mongoose population to connect each user to their unique budget details and plan.
Loyola Marymount University
Education, MA•  September 2016 - May 2018
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