Hajime Koike



MSc student at School of Computing, Tokyo Tech


Problem Solving
Days of JS


hajimekoike has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    NN life•  April 2020 - Present

    Working as a developer of Risk Agility FM to support actuaries, risk management affairs.

  • Software Engineer

    Teikoku databank, Ltd.•  March 2020 - Present

    Working as a research assistant.


  • Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tōkyō

    Data Science, MS•  April 2020 - Present

    Researching some fundamental properties of Japanese interfirm transaction amount modeling in the emerging field called 'econophysics'.

  • Kyoto University

    Mathematics, BS•  April 2016 - March 2020

    Bachelor's degree in Mathematics under supervision of Prof. Kaoru Ono. Studied differential geometry as a part of foundation of information geometry.


hajimekoike has not updated skills details yet.