Ibrahim Goktug Gokce




Problem Solving


goktugokce has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Vestel Electronics•  December 2020 - Present

    External and internal website development such as beta.buyviser.com, vestelargeta.com Worked on MySQL and NodeJs to create necessary databases and communication(middleware) Made some performance improvements for internal websites such as vesteliotzone Worked on Amazon S3, CloudWatch, APIGateway and etc. for vestelargeta development and log analysis. Created a server on digitalocean to publish websites with pm2 and EC2.

  • Software Engineer

    ValuAg LLC•  August 2018 - May 2019

    Built reusable components by using React HTML data containing agricultural land information in the state database was analyzed using Selenium and stored in the company DB. A data pipeline was created using Elasticsearch to identify customer types and interests. Created a DB using Django with the result of Elasticsearch to categorize the type of customers and the purpose of using ValuAg.


  • State University of New York at Binghamton

    Computer Information Systems, BS•  August 2014 - May 2019

  • Istanbul Technical University, Ä°stanbul

    Information Systems Enginnering, BS•  September 2012 - May 2019


goktugokce has not updated skills details yet.