giraycakr has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Summer Intern
Atlantis Otomasyon• July 2024 - September 2024• Istanbul, Turkey
Developed a program for scraping meteorological data from the State Meteorological Service, stored the data in a MySQL database, and created a GUI application for data display and download in Excel format.
Organization Team Member
GDSC Marmara University• September 2023 - June 2024• Istanbul, Turkey
Organized technology and software-related events, enhanced community engagement, and led company visits to connect students with industry professionals.
Trainee Software Developer
Ecole 42• July 2023 - April 2024• Istanbul, Turkey
Wrote programs in C, completed multiple projects, participated in peer evaluations, and gained experience in algorithmic thinking and debugging.
Trainee Software Developer
Google Game and App Academy• November 2022 - August 2023• Istanbul, Turkey
Participated in Ideathon and Game Bootcamp as Scrum Master, completed project management training, and developed a game using Agile methodologies.
Medeniyet University
Computer Science & Engineering, BE• October 2022 - Present