gabrielnardes has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Scholarship student
Instituto Federal de São Paulo•  March 2017 - Present
Developed a prototype of a Delta-type parallel architecture robot; development of mechanical modeling (Autodesk Inventor) and elaboration of schematics and PCBs and welding of components (Proteus and KiCad); developed a communication protocol for a Delta robot and OpenCV Vision System via USB (PC – microcontroller); developed a controller for speed profile generation for multiple stepper motors (SBC ODROID XU4); presented the project in 6 schools in 5 cities, to more than 500 students in the Vale do Ribeira region.
Project Director
ProVale Junior•  January 2020 - Present
Co-founder; acting in the elaboration of the company's operational and commercial processes; ProVale won the FEJESP award (Federation of Junior Enterprises of the State of São Paulo) "Junior Enterprise that promises in 2021" in 2020.
Instituto Federal de São Paulo
Production Engineering, BS•  January 2017 - Present
gabrielnardes has not updated skills details yet.