Fotis Kanaris



Python Web Developer


Problem Solving
Days of Code


Work Experience

  • Web Application Developer

    ViLabs•  July 2020 - October 2020

    A digital geo-information register was implemented for registration of citizenswith any kind of disability. A web map application was developed for creatingdifferent routing scenarios in a disaster-like situation, based on open sourcetechnology and open source underlying data.The backend was implemented on a remote server, with Debian Linux OS anddockerized microservices which are: open source routing service, Postgresqldatabase, geoserver, nginx and open street map data. Web API RESTservices were used to communicate with our backend and other services.Thefront end was implemented with Leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactivemaps. We enabled the option for routing based on open sourced accessibiltydata of the city like ramps, pedestrian roads, parks etc. Also we enabledoptions for geolocation and use of diffirent types of basemaps.


  • University of Thessaly

    Information Technology, MS•  September 2018 - July 2020

    Python, Databases, Linux, Java, Data structures and Algorithms, HTML, CSS, PHP, Networks, Data Mining and Machine Learning

  • University of Thessaly

    Spatial Analysis and Enviromental Management, MS•  September 2016 - August 2018

  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

    Surveying Engineering, BE•  September 2003 - June 2011


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