Fabio Franco



Full Stack Developer at IBM


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Senior Full Stack Developer

    IBM•  February 2021 - Present

    Current I am a Senior Full-Stack Developer in the Maximo LBS team at IBM. In the day by day, I support existent features as well as the development of new ways to interact with maps and geolocation capabilities for IBM Maximo product. More than that, I support the web, Android, and iOS versions of the product, using React, Java, and several other technologies.

  • Full Stack Developer

    IBM•  December 2019 - February 2021

    As a Full-stack DevOps professional at the IBM Garage team, I worked directly on the IBM Garage sites: https://www.ibm.com/garage/method and https://www.ibm.com/cloud/architecture. Part of the responsibility included the development of new features from customer's requests and supporting customized versions of the system. As part of my contributions are some front-end and back-end features to the IBM garage site, a POC to allow the use of Natural Language API to identify sentiments from clients feedbacks received in the site, some automation tests to capture broken links and data restrictions, etc. Technologies: NodeJS, Meteor, Vue, Javascript, Git , HTML 5, CSS, NoSQL, Mongo, and IBM Cloud Tools.

  • Mobile Developer

    IBM•  July 2014 - December 2019

    Android, iOS, and WindowsPhone Software Developer for Maximo Anywhere product. During this period, I was a developer wearing many hats, as developing new features for mobile systems, supporting customers in the field (including traveling to customer and business partner sites), automating the build process, preparing apps for Google Play and Apple Store publication, onboarding other developers, mentoring and supporting business partners, participating and elaborating content for training, etc. Specifically, as a remarkable contribution are: two travels to the USA to solve issues with Anywhere product into Apple, which deal with millions of dollar were in jeopardize; one travel to Uruguay to training a business partner and help them to get the system working to close deals with customers; and a three months travel to Munich, in Germany, to work on the IBM Client Center, helping to develop some IoT projects to the client center. Technologies: Android (Java), iOS (Objective C), and Windows Phones/Surface (C#), and others such as Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, RTC, MobileFirst, Cordova, ESRI SDK, DB2, Oracle Database, and Maximo related products.

  • University Professor

    Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul•  August 2018 - December 2019

    At Cruzeiro do Sul University, I taught computer science topics in the Computer Science and Systems Analysis and Development courses, such as Data Structure, Oriented Object Programming, Database, Data Modeling, Computer Programming, Development Techniques, Client-Server Systems, and Fundamentals of Information Systems. Also guided students in several software development projects, where they used technologies learned to develop fully working projects.

  • College Professor

    Centro Universitário Senac•  August 2011 - June 2014

    At Senac College, I taught computer science topics in multiple courses, as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Digital Games, Internet Systems, Systems Analysis, and Development. Some areas I worked in were Data Structure, Oriented Object Programming, Rich Web Applications, Programming Languages, and several project-related subjects. Also, I was a Mentor in Apple Developer Academy in Senac-Apple partnership, teaching about mobile software development using iOS technology (http://developeracademy.sp.senac.br/)

  • Software Developer

    Inovazinia Tecnologia de Informação•  April 2007 - August 2008

    In this period I worked daily with .NET technologies, as C# on ASP.net and Microsoft LINQ, Microsoft SQL Server Database, Visual Studio Team System, and related technologies for web development. The main product developed was an intranet system for an investment bank and its related functions. Technologies: .NET Framework, LINQ, C#, ASP.net, SQL Server, and Microsoft web development tools.


  • Universidade de São Paulo

    Computer Science, MS•  March 2009 - December 2012

    Dissertation Thesis: Alternate Markov Games under Uncertainty (CNPq scholarship). During this period, my research was focused on Planning in Artificial Intelligence using Game Theory. The dissertation can be accessed at https://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/45/45134/tde-19022013-093705/pt-br.php

  • Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul

    Computer Science, BS•  January 2005 - December 2008

    Scientific Research: Efficient Strategies for Search problems in FPS Games (Pibic-Unicsul scholarship)


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