Francisco Abarca Cock






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Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Banco Falabella•  December 2022 - March 2023

    FULLSTACK DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF A DESKTOP APPLICATION FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF UNATTACHED USERS | BANCO FALABELLA CMR CHILE | TECHNOLOGIES USED: DJANGO, PYTHON, JAVASCRIPT, HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP AND POSGRESQL The work done was to create a web application from scratch, the application obtained data from different platforms used by employees of the Bank which were unified within a database so that just by typing the employee's routine could be obtained easily and quickly all user accounts that had operational that collaborator. This streamlined the process of eliminating user accounts when the employee was terminated. All the accounts of the different platforms were obtained through excel files or csv format, so I used the pandas library to obtain dataframes from these files to unify them and send them to the database. For questions regarding the code I have the complete project in my private github and I could show it, along with a mockup (prototype) created in Figma which was my reference for the look and feel of the application.



    Computer Programming Analyst, BE•  March 2020 - Present


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