Work Experience
Software Developer
VetSoft• November 2024 - Present• Nasr City, Cairo
• Working on integrating with ETA (Egyptian Tax Authority) for invoice and receipt generation and reporting. Ensuring compliance with Egyptian tax regulations. • Integrated with ZATCA (Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, Saudi Arabia) by implementing secure authentication, generating XML invoices that adheres to the UBL 2.1 standards, and API reporting to ensure tax compliance. • Added the generation of the Salary Information File (SIF) for the Qatari Wage Protection System, ensuring accurate wage reporting that’s compliant with Qatari WPS regulations. • Made a pipeline for publishing the company’s product (ASP.NET, Angular, and SQL Server stack) as a multi-container application using Docker. • Built an AI web service using FastAPI and integrated it with the existing ASP.NET stack. • Deployed a chatbot user assistance system using LangChain and Langraph, providing real-time support. • Developed UI components for the chatbot interface, enabling visualization and reporting capabilities. • Integrated data analysis workflows by enabling secure and efficient interaction with the SQL Server database, allowing for ”Talk with your database” functionalities. PROJECTS
Intern, Using AI in Wireless Communications
Zewail City of Science and Technology• July 2023 - September 2023• Giza, Egypt
• Developed a machine learning pipeline for predicting the QOS (quality of service) of a 5G mobile network using environmental variables (temperature, longitude, latitude) and RF measurements (RSRP, SNR, bandwidth). • Trained the pipeline on the Berlin V2X dataset achieving 7.97 mbit/s RMSE in predicting the QOS of the test split. • The pipeline used CatBoostRegressor . And incorporated feature engineering (one hot encoding, lag features) and hyperparameter tuning to improve performance.
Intern, Robotics
Zewail City of Science and Technology• July 2023 - September 2023• Giza, Egypt
Used ROS (Robot Operating System) , moveit library and OpenCV to control a robotic arm controlled by an Arduino using feed from a connected camera.
Zewail City of Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, BS• July 2019 - July 2024• GPA: 3.61