Eric Jasper Chang



Full-Stack JavaScript Developper


Problem Solving
Days of Code
Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Full Stack Developer

    Medtrik Pte Ltd•  May 2022 - August 2023

    - Contributing to the development of a Healthcare Management System for Dental Clinics. - Worked extensively with technologies such as the PERN stack (PostgreSQL, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) and Django to build powerful applications tailored to the dental industry. - Implemented cutting-edge AI technologies within the system, resulting in a user-friendly schedule recommendation feature that streamlined the appointment booking process for patients. - Contributed significantly to optimizing the company's ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes. By utilizing Django and GCP, reduced execution time for SQL queries on vast datasets by an impressive 20%. - Made valuable contributions to enhancing the company's AI script developed in Django. - Played an integral part in deploying and setting up the application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), ensuring a stable and scalable infrastructure for seamless operations. - Demonstrated exceptional problem-solving abilities, effective teamwork, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

  • Full Stack Developer

    Edgeworks Solutions Pte Ltd•  May 2021 - April 2022

    - Spearheaded the development and maintenance of a high-performance Point of Sale (POS) system using React Native, delivering a flawless and user-centric experience for clients. - Devised and executed integration applications in Python, facilitating smooth extraction and migration of JSON data from APIs to Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) databases. This optimization significantly enhanced data management and accessibility. - Conducted regular and comprehensive code reviews, implementing industry best coding practices to maintain the integrity of the codebase. This rigorous approach guarantees a stable and secure POS platform at all times.

  • Full Stack Developer

    Monstyr Pte Ltd•  September 2020 - March 2021

    - Utilized JavaScript tech stack: React, React Native, Redux, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, and JWT. - Developed engaging frontend interfaces with React and Redux, ensuring seamless user interaction. - Crafted cross-platform mobile apps using React Native for consistent iOS and Android experiences. - Implemented secure backend solutions with Sequelize, PostgreSQL, and JWT authentication.


  • Universitas Kristen Petra

    Information Technology, BE•  August 2016 - August 2020

  • Hacktiv8

    Immersive Full-Stack Javascript Bootcamp, -•  March 2020 - July 2020


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