Epata Tuah



Computer Science Fresh Graduate from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • IT Product Developer Intern

    Astra International - TSO•  August 2022 - December 2022

    I researched the benefits of Automated Testing for Toyota Sales Operation's IT product development and introduced the strategic integration of Cucumber-Selenium test automation into the Auto2000 website. I also developed 11 E2E (end-to-end) user journey automated tests using Cucumber-Selenium tools, resulting in a significant reduction in man-days required from 11 man-days to 1 man-day.

  • Full Stack Software Developer Intern

    Akhdani Reka Solusi•  June 2022 - August 2022

    I teamed up with 23 people on an Agile team project contributing to the development of a web app for PT Bio Farma applicant exams using .NET 5, Bootstrap, Tailwind, C#, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and the Google Cloud Platform. I developed front-end pages for test category CRUD and Q&A management CRUD, as well as the 7 end-point back-end APIs for Q&A management within the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern practices. I also created an automatic test uploader in the Master Soal page using Microsoft Excel, synchronized it with the database to update the tests list on the Master Soal page. I was involved in building the career management admin page using the Jenkins DevOps tool, making the website deployed and accessible to over 1000 employees and numerous applicants in PT Bio Farma.

  • Web Developer (Project)

    Clapeyron UGM•  July 2022 - August 2022

    I collaborated on a 2 people web development team to build a Clapeyron UGM’s magazine WordPress website utilizing JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and WordPress CMS featuring interactive carousel, easy navigation, and reader-friendly pages. I simplified magazine management with an intuitive editing interface within the WordPress CMS, enabling easy addition and editing by over 100 UGM's Civil Engineering students.

  • Android Developer (Project)

    SP Course Project for Radyalabs Calendar App (Jadwal.id)•  February 2022 - April 2022

    I participated in the team of 5 people based on Agile development practices, completing a total of 6 sprints to create a Golang-Flutter Android application named ‘Jadwal.id’ featuring calendars with events and reminders management. I took on the Scrum Master role for the second and final 2-week sprints, also developed the back-end architecture and PostgreSQL database for 3 features of 'Jadwal.id': registration, event data modification, and reminders management, as well as the front-end for reminders modification feature. I configured Docker for front-end development, implemented Swagger for 15 API documentations, and achieved a PASSED status for all code qualities scoring with 0 bugs, 0 vulnerabilities, 0 security hotspots, and A scores using SonarQube.

  • Android Developer (Project)

    WBD Course Project (PerluDilindungi)•  February 2022 - March 2022

    I collaborated on a 3 people Android development team which developed the JVM-Kotlin Android app ‘PerluDilindungi’ featuring COVID-19 information and public facilities scan features. I developed the features for listing vaccination facilities and bookmarking health facilities within the app, providing access to over 100 health and vaccination facilities through the API.


  • Institut Teknologi Bandung

    Computer Science, BS•  August 2019 - July 2023

    Project: Clapeyron UGM Magazine Wordpress Website, Jadwal.id Calendar Management App, PerluDilindungi COVID-19 Information Android App. Achievements: Cum Laude (Cumulative GPA: 3.51), Bangkit 2022 Distinction Graduate. Organizations: Pasopati ITB (ex Head of External), LSS ITB (ex Staff), Kokesma ITB (ex Staff). Volunteerings: ARKAVIDIA (ex Delegate), PAKDUMARU (ex Logistics), Aku Masuk ITB 2020 (ex Field Officer)


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