Evgenii Kubyshin



Problem Solving


ekubyshin has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Senior iOS developer

    Alibaba•  July 2019 - Present

    Experienced iOS developer with 4 years in commercial development. Skilled in user interface design, Swift, Objective-C, iOS Frameworks and Design Principles. Experienced web front-end developer with 6 years in commercial development. Skilled in Javascript, HTML/CSS, ReactJS, Angular.

  • Senios iOS developer

    ATON, LLC•  October 2016 - July 2019

    Participated in the team as a lead front-end developer and switched to iOS development. Began supporting the old application with Objective-C. Next, Developed a new version of the iOS application with Swift, Alamofire, Swinject (DI) and using VIPER pattern as a realization of SOLID. Organized the development workflow including CI (Fastlane, Jenkins). UI testing using Calabash and Unit testing XCTest.

  • Lead front-end developer

    Sravni.ru LLC•  March 2015 - October 2016

    Developed the new version of the website with modern UI and technologies: ReactJS/FLUX, ECMA 2015, Webpack, Babel, SMACSS methodology and LESS. Built custom UX framework. Built the front-end development team, the development process of front-end and also, organized a testing process of the front-end with selenium automated tests.

  • Senior front-end developer

    Tinkoff bank, JSC•  May 2012 - February 2015

    Began career in the company as a senior Javascript developer and grew up to lead front-end developer. Got an excellent experience managing the team of 20 developers. Responsibilities: coding, code reviewing, team-management and team-building. Split one big team into several small product-oriented teams with owns leads. Totally rebuild front-end development process with modern technologies like Angular, React, Gulp and etc.

  • Front-end developer

    ru-center, JSC•  June 2010 - May 2012

    Began career as an HTML-developer and grew up to a middle Javascript developer. Developed the front-end of CRM as SPA with REST back-end for company partners. SPA had modular code with BEM methodology, BackboneJS, RequireJS, and Handlebars templating.


  • Russian State Agrarian University

    Mathematics, MS•  September 2005 - June 2010

    Mathematics and Cybernatics

  • - ..


ekubyshin has not updated skills details yet.