e0564999 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Data Science College Intern
HP•  December 2023 - May 2024•  Singapore
• Built and deployed a web-scraping tool to facilitate data extraction of product reviews from an e-commerce platform as an executable using PyInstaller, and carries out translation of Chinese text into English using Python • Developed Python scripts to join, process, and format data from multiple schemas using Sliding Window concept, and for further analysis in Sankey diagrams using Plotly • Conducted data retrieval and upload onto SQL databases for monthly updating of Microsoft Power BI dashboards using Microsoft SQL Server
Policy Processing Admin (Temp)
MSIG Singapore•  February 2020 - May 2020•  Singapore
• Carried out simple policy processing using P400 System, and learnt about technical policy wordings and calculating specific rates of some policies • Arranged and sorted policies for the Policy Processing team, and filed monthly policy records for the Policy Processing team, learning to work efficiently and be organised • Updated daily records of working hours to calculate productivity and efficiency using Microsoft Excel for around 40 members in the Policy Processing team
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Data Science and Analytics, BS•  August 2020 - June 2024
Major in Data Science and Analytics, with a minor in Computer Science
e0564999 has not updated skills details yet.