Dustin Knopoff

United States


rustacean, martial artist, and cook.




dustin36 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    FlowVella•  May 2018 - Present

    - Using React, Typescript, and HTML Canvas to bring FlowVella experience to the web - Leveraging finite state machines to manage state

  • Software Engineer

    RKF Engineering, LLC•  January 2020 - January 2021

    - Determined differences in elevation accuracy across multiple data sources using SpatiaLite and Python - Created a QT GUI for an antenna beam cone generator - Migrated CI pipeline to use docker for building/testing - Added support for multiple elevation sources to 5GHz simulation software - Created development onboarding 6 week lesson plan

  • Software Engineer

    Carbonite•  January 2019 - June 2019

    - Participated in agile scrum process: code reviews, daily standups, retrospectives, sprint planning - Created and modified automated Selenium UI tests and C# API mock tests


  • Northeastern University, Boston

    Computer Science and Design, BS•  January 2017 - May 2021


dustin36 has not updated skills details yet.