dungtran0916 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
VNG• June 2011 - May 2015
Productions: Tieu Vo Lam, Aniworld (Web game), Dragonfly (Mobile game). Skills: C/C++, Boost Library, C#, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Cocos2d-x, Action Script 3.0, Membased/Memcached, Lua Script, MS SQL Server, MySQL, socket, http/https, SVN. Working with the designer, artist, and operation teams to develop, deploy, and maintain the real-time and action web/mobile games that were played by thousands to millions of players in multiple servers. Designing, developing, and maintaining data and logic flows for out-game features, user interface, and game-play in-game on server and client sides which required and improved multi-threading programming, network programming, design patterns, data structures, and algorithms skills. Designing and implementing Gateway Server for social features and billing payments; website deploy games; Game Master Tool to manage players, contents, and resources.
University of Washington, Tacoma
Computer Science & Systems, BS• September 2019 - March 2021
Skills: C/C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, Node.js, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Erlang, MIPS, LC3. Technologies: Git, Windows, Linux, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, Eclipse, Heroku, Postman.
Tacoma Community College
Computer Science, Associate of Arts• April 2016 - June 2019
University of Information technology
Software Engineering, BE• September 2006 - June 2011
dungtran0916 has not updated skills details yet.