Work Experience
Classroom Technology Support Technician
University of Maryland, College Park•  April 2022 - Present•  College Park, Maryland, United States
Current position on-campus as a branch of the Division of Information Technology. Proactively receiving calls and logging tickets across UMD's campus for IT/classroom technology related issues and requests in classrooms. Dispatching technicians and addressing callers' concerns via customer service. Completing thorough routine checks of classroom materials and technology in classrooms and lecture halls across campus.
Clearview Group•  July 2024 - August 2024•  OwingsMills, Maryland, UnitedStates
Collaborated alongside Clearview's engagement leads and advisors on various professional client projects involving change, patch, and access management, application development, and cybersecurity. Established robust working and testing controls, population/sample requests, and other planning documents for three different corporate client projects. Attended various networking and professional development events with fellow interns and established key connections with Clearview's staff body, including higher-ups.
DRD Pool Management, Inc.•  February 2023 - August 2023•  Hunt Valley, Maryland, UnitedStates
Promoted from Lifeguard to Assistant Lifeguard in February 2022, promoted again to Manager in February 2023. Streamlined lifeguard staff scheduling processes, resulting in improved staff coverage amidst staffing shortages and ensured patron satisfaction and safety. Utilized a pool operator certification involving pool management and chemical safety.
Firaxis Games•  December 2020 - July 2021•  Sparks Glencoe, Maryland, UnitedStates
Completed a virtual, senior-year internship for Firaxis Games as a part of Towson High School's senior internship program. Collaborated alongside Firaxis' lead UI designer, head programmer, and executive producer in learning fundamentals of 3D game design. Developed C# coding skills in Unity, creating 3D game objects and code to enhance game development knowledge.
University of Maryland
BACHELOR'S DEGREE•  October 2021 - Present•  GPA: 3.36
Towson High Law & Public Policy
HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA•  November 2017 - July 2021