Work Experience
Software Engineer
Yandex | Яндекс• August 2018 - November 2018
· During my internship I worked in the group developing the infrastructure for statistics of the Yandex advertising network. I used the following technologies and instruments: C++, Python, Map-Reduce (YT), MySQL, Clickhouse, Docker, Linux · This job made me learn and use different technologies I did not know before: Perl, SQL, Docker, etc
University of St. Andrews
Computer Science, MS• September 2021 - Present
· Relevant modules: Logic and Software Verification, Programming Language Design and Implementation, Software Engineering Principles, Software Engineering Practice, Software Architecture, Database Management Systems. · Dissertation Thesis: Propagating C++ Exceptions across OS Kernel/User-space (Expected)
Higher School of Economics
Computer Science, BS• September 2017 - June 2021
· Educational programme: Applied Mathematics and Information Science · Specialization: Distributed Systems · Relevant modules: Advanced C++, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Fundamentals and Methodology of Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics, Probability Theory, Calculus, Algebra, Computer Networks, Methods and Systems of Processing Big Data, Java Programming, Functional Programming, Theory of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems, Introduction to Deep Learning · Graduation Thesis: Analysis of Virtual Machine migration algorithm. · GPA: 8.31 out of 10
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