davidavi5454 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Fênix Sistemas & Consultoria | Microsoft Dynamics• April 2022 - Present
Analyze and gather requirements, defining data models to be collected and their origins; Mapping business processes to corresponding data flow and structuring indicators; Develop ETL processes; Execute database queries, through SQL and Python, in SQL/MySQL/SQL SERVER databases; Creation and integration between databases and systems; Interpretation of diagrams and relationships between database tables; Building and improving static reports and BI dashboards; Build dashboards, automate processes and build applications; Support for data extraction and data visualization demands; Backing up and restoring databases
Software Engineer
CSD REGISTRADORA• April 2021 - May 2022
Full Stack development of software for the financial market. -Clojure, Clojurescript, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Vuejs -Relational and Non-Relational Database -Scrum Methodology - Kafka -GitLab: Code Versioning -Docker - Cloud computing (GCP, AWS)
Software Engineer
GRUPO SYM• April 2019 - May 2021
Development of advanced SQL queries for the development of custom reports. - Maintenance of views, procedures, functions and triggers - (Queries, Insert, Delete, Update, Database Restoration and ETL); - SQL Server, UML - Requirements analysis, - Development and testing of Reports and scripts with SQL SERVER. - Frequent contact with customers for requirements analysis. - Support to internal and external customers on issues related to database. - Use of agile methodologies for order development using Azure DevOps.
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
Computer Science & Engineering, BS• May 2018 - Present
davidavi5454 has not updated skills details yet.