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Work Experience
Backend Developer
Zeeyft•  September 2024 - Present•  Tbilisi, Georgia
Proficient in developing backend applications using Python and Flask to create RESTful APIs for efficient data interaction. Experienced in interacting with MariaDB using PyMySQL, handling database connections, executing SQL queries, and managing data retrieval. Skilled in creating and managing data models with Python dataclasses, representing complex entities. Designed and implemented robust API endpoints for data retrieval and serialization, including advanced search functionality using query parameters. Utilized caching strategies to enhance performance by minimizing redundant database queries and improving data retrieval times. Ensured application security and data integrity through comprehensive error handling, input validation, and data serialization techniques. Prepared backend applications for seamless integration with frontend UI components by providing JSON serialized data from API endpoints. Familiar with version control systems like Git, facilitating efficient collaboration and code management in a team environment. Applied thorough testing and debugging practices to ensure the reliability and stability of backend applications. Developed and implemented unit tests to validate individual components of the backend application, ensuring functionality and performance. Utilized Python's asyncio for efficient handling of asynchronous tasks, improving the performance of I/O-bound operations.
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