Collins Ihezie



Am not just a programmer Am a Problem Solver with in-built flexibility of codes.


Problem Solving


collinsihezie6 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Android Developer

    MyShowroom•  April 2018 - April 2021

    Designed user interfaces that engaged multiple senses and produced immersive experiences. ï‚· Devised documentation for each app, detailing operation aspects, functions, capabilities and features. ï‚· Worked with teams from other projects and departments to create apps and data driven by customer input. ï‚· Created custom mobile applications using native technologies. ï‚· Maintained comprehensive knowledge of mobile development cycle and addressed challenges arising in each phase.


  • Institute of Technology and Management

    Computer Science, Diploma•  September 2018 - April 2021


collinsihezie6 has not updated skills details yet.