Work Experience
MERN Full Stack Developer
Ethnus•  August 2023 - November 2023
Built a Car Rental Booking System that enables customers to search, select, and reserve rental vehicles. Architected a comprehensive web solution by implementing React for the front-end, Express and Node for the back-end, and MongoDB for the database, resulting in a 25% improvement in overall performance.
Data Scientist
SmartInternz•  August 2023 - November 2023
Successfully implemented and deployed rainfall prediction model using Flask. Learned about different AI and ML models and algorithms and used various visualization techniques to predict relationships between different features and used them for model training.
AI Engineer
Internship Studio•  September 2022 - October 2022
Configured Neural Machine Translation model with an accuracy of 81.2% measured using metrics and performed one hot encoder technique for translating German text to English text.
VIT Bhopal University
Computer Science & Engineering, B. Tech (CSE) Core•  August 2021 - Present•  CGPA: 8.64
Lucknow Public College
Class XII•  July 2020 - May 2021•  Percentage: 86.5
Lucknow Public College
Class X•  May 2018 - April 2019•  Percentage: 86.2