carlosvinimsouza has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
Hackathon GetNet Empreenda• November 2020 - November 2020
GetNet&SEBRAE Hackathon: Back-End Developer, activity performed: ° Develop the Back-End&I.A. of the application that, upon receiving some information from the user – which will be stored within a NoSQL Database – can provide support in: indication of lines of credit (for the current situation of your micro-enterprise), guidance for courses and specializations necessary for the essential activity of the company, and also, to provide Banks and Support Institutions for Small and Medium Entrepreneurs with relevant information about their customers and 'potential' customers.
Software Engineer
Hackathon Eugenio & Natura• September 2020 - October 2020
Eugenio&Natura Hackathon: Back-End Developer, activity performed: ° Develop the Back-End of the application which, upon receiving some information from the user – which will be stored within a SQL Database – should speed up the process of purchasing and recommending products (based on the preferences of different people). Using APIs from Eugenio (for data analysis) and Google Maps (in the Geolocation part of the application).
Instituto Federal do Amazonas
Software Engineering, B.Tech• March 2021 - Present
carlosvinimsouza has not updated skills details yet.