canberkvarli has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Front Desk Manager Assistant
Lawrence Berkeley Guest House•  June 2024 - Present•  Berkeley, CA
Streamlined workflows using Autohotkey scripts, reducing administrative workload by 40%. Ensured smooth operations and improved customer satisfaction through efficient scheduling and guest relations.
Software Engineer
Prevail Legal (•  May 2021 - September 2023•  San Francisco, CA
Contributed to the development of an AI-powered web platform transforming the legal transcription industry. Enhanced critical functionalities such as real-time search and indexing, leveraging Amazon Transcribe to improve transcript retrieval accuracy and speed. Reduced search failure rates, resulting in a 2x increase in successful searches, directly boosting customer retention and revenue. Optimized the authentication system and user workflows for better scalability and performance.
Software Engineering Intern
Microsoft•  June 2017 - August 2017•  Istanbul, Turkiye
Developed a Xamarin cross-platform mobile app showcased to senior leadership. Authored a blog on emerging technologies like Machine Learning, Big Data, and IoT to engage developers.
Private Pilot Training•  June 2019 - August 2019