Brandon Tardio

United States


Software Engineer at RevaComm / GCE / DMDC / DODC


Problem Solving


btardio has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    RevaComm•  February 2019 - December 2019

    Project Description: Task Order 92 worked with existing PDR and MEDSAT databases to provide read-only access to data and address a scaling issue with a new JDBC+SQL instead of JDBC+PL/SQL design for concurrency. * Developed J2EE Java 8 Spring filters and map value assignors for currency (records having entry date/time) and suspense (records that are suspended until subsequent records) family and person pulls. * Translated PL/SQL logic into parallelized Java logic, improving response times. Used extensively. * Unit tested currency and suspense filters to 100% code coverage using Eclipse. Fixed broken tests reported by Jenkins. * Worked on data access layer (DAL) before compilation generated java code for productivity and consistency. * Performed functional testing using XML, binary and JSON RESTful requests of Primary Information Objects (CIOs) that created Business Information Objects (BIOs). Integration tested data access processor for push instructions (read/write/update). * Used in-house GUI tools and Jenkins for test automation. Built Swing and JavaFX components for tooling. * Worked on utility library for common methods. Documented functionality of introduced methods and replaced legacy code. * Followed functional specifications and documentation. Referenced dashboard w/ database table columns and dependencies info. * Followed Agile methodology, used Jira, held daily Scrum calls and code reviewed team members’ work. Technical Environment: Windows, Eclipse, Maven, JSON, XML, Jira, Jenkins, NotePad++, SVN, PL/SQL, Citrix VDI, JUnit, Spring, EJB, Java

  • Teaching Assistant

    USC Viterbi•  January 2019 - February 2019

    Project Description: The boot camp taught persons interested in learning computer programming and data analytics. * Taught data analytics and basic software development practices to students looking to advance their careers. (Python / VBA) * Developed warm-up practice problems and tutorials. (Python / AWS Lambda) * Subject matter included Excel, VBA, Python, pandas, matplotlib, SQL, MongoDB, D3.js, leaflet.js. (Python / JavaScript ) Technical Environment: Windows, Jupyter Notebooks, GitLab, GitHub, Python, Visual Studio

  • Web Developer

    Encore Automotive•  March 2018 - August 2018

    Project Description: Encore Automotive requested a web presence and interactive GIS features. * Created company website with technologies jQuery, Materialize, Bootstrap, Angular, Solr. (JavaScript / jQuery) * Developed product search using Apache Solr using Tokenizers: Graphs, NGrams. (NoSql / Solr) * Built a store locator with Apache Solr, Angular, TypeScript, LeafletJS and VMWare Clarity. (TypeScript / JavaScript / CSS) * Deployed website on Amazon Web Services EC2 using Moby Linux Docker Containers. (AWS / EC2) Technical Environment: RedHat Linux, Angular IDE, Git, Docker, Amazon Web Services EC2, TypeScript, Python

  • Web Developer

    HairArt International Inc.•  July 2017 - March 2018

    Project Description: HairArt requested assistance with organizing their appointment book as well as expanding their e-commerce. * Created and maintained company websites using Java, Python, Django. (Java / Python) * Built an e-commerce site using Apache Open for Business (OfBiz). (Java) * Wrote Java and Groovy code for submission of reseller licenses, top selling products and also bought products. (Java / Groovy) * Generated XML for configurable products, taxes based on location and prices for distributors and consumers. (Python) * Designed the site's front-end using Bootstrap 4 CSS, Apache FreeMarker Template Language, jQuery. (JavaScript / jQuery / CSS) * Using Selenium and JUnit, wrote and ran unit tests. (Python / Java) * Created Django web applications for scheduling of consultation, appointments, business reviews and digital media. (Python) * Worked on Quartz, Tomcat and ActiveMQ SMS text appointment reminder system. (Java) * Integrated Solr Salon Search on multiple websites. (Solr) Technical Environment: Linux Fedora, GoDaddy, Digital Ocean, Eclipse, Python, Java

  • AdWords Analyst

    Tek Media Group•  October 2016 - January 2017

    Project Description: Tek Media Group requested AdWords improvements to build their business. * Created Python scripts to communicate with GCP production and test using Suds, lightweight SOAP interface. (Python) * Developed, tested and deployed Python automation scripts using AdWords API, AWQL. (Python) * Exhaustively found new keywords using combinations, permutations, natural language processing. (Python) Technical Environment: Linux Fedora, Google AdWords, Google Developer Console, Google Cloud Platform, Python.

  • Web Developer

    Multiple Companies•  July 2012 - October 2016

    Project Description: Multiple projects from past work relations and freelance websites. * Developed web applications (Django / Python / JavaScript / SQL / XML / OAuth / HTML / CSS / SQL / SalesForce / Java / APEX) * Developed desktop applications using technologies GNU/GTK, Visual Basic. (C/C++) * Developed personalized dashboard for clients using jQuery, Python, CSS. (Python / jQuery / JavaScript / CSS / Django) * Self-taught and developed using GNU/GTK. (C/C++) * Developed linear algebra learning app. (Java, JPA, Hibernate, Spring) * Implemented LibWebSockets / Redis supply chain application (C/C++) Technical Environment: Linux Fedora, Eclipse, GIT, Vim, C/C++, Java, Python.

  • Office Automation Assistant

    Department of State's Bureau of Information Resource Management•  January 2010 - March 2012

    Project Description: Provide business process automation support for State Department Annex 28. * Collaborated on the State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolset (SMART) messaging application. (VBA) Technical Environment: Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio, VBA.


  • University of San Diego

    Computer Science, BS•  2003 - 2006


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