Work Experience
Distance Learning Training/Curriculum Developer
K Parks Consulting• April 2018 - Present
Software Engineer
GA x Unlocking Communities International Aid Hackathon• May 2022 - May 2022
Node.Js | JavaScript | React | Python | Flask Collaborated with a team of Software Engineers, UX/UI Designers, and a Data Scientist to build an app called See-Suite that tracks local entrepreneur sales of water filters and stoves for C-level executives. See-Suite will be sent to Deloitte to make it fully functional. Key responsibilities included: ● Incorporated React Minimal Pie Chart to visually show entrepreneur financial data ● Created dropdown menu insuring it sends correct data to the backend
Software Engineer
Mintbean• November 2021 - November 2021
Node.Js | JavaScript | React Draw Canvas | React | Bootstrap | Heroku Collaborated with a UX/UI designer to build a Language Education Application that helps people learn how to write the Japanese alphabet. It incorporates React Canvas Draw to allow users to practice writing. Key responsibilities included: ● Insured proper navigation from landing page to app using ternary conditionals ● Configured React Canvas Draw to reset when moving on to next character and draw when user moves mouse ● Used React Bootstrap for styling and integrate responsiveness ● Used JavaScript to dynamically call gifs to show stroke order of each character
Software Engineer
US Census Bureau Open Data for Good Grand Challenge • September 2021 - November 2021
Node.Js | Flask | JavaScript | Leaflet.JS | React | Heroku Collaborated with a team of 8 Software Engineers, UX Designers, and Data Scientists to build a creative and high impact application focusing on Refugee Relocation using open source federal government data. Key responsibilities included: ● Called on data from an API and displays called data to give recommendations based on user input. ● Insured fetch calls were correctly rendering data to both the landing page and city details page ● Configured Leaflet to show specific locations based on incoming API coordinates using JavaScript ● Used Semantic-UI to incorporate Dropdowns, Popups, Grids, and Percentage bars ● Deployed to Heroku insuring app was correctly talking with the API
Software Engineering Immersive Fellow
General Assembly• December 2020 - June 2021
JavaScript | Python | HTML 5 | CSS3 | Express | Flask | Node JS | Bootstrap | APIs | React | MongoDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL Successfully completed 500+ hours of expert-led instruction in JavaScript, HTML/CSS, databases, and frameworks. Received hands on learning of both frontend and backend fundamentals and the industry's most in demand technologies. Developed projects, including: ● Checkers: A game which fully implements JQuery using JQueryUI to give users drag and drop capabilities ● Receipt Tracker: A fully RESTFUL CRUD app that uses an Express framework combined with tools such as multer for image uploading. The app is additionally backed by bootstrap and MongoDB. ● Gif App: An app where you can store your favorite gifs and like others’. Built with React, Express, and MongoDB ● Booking App: Allows organizations to post their availability and clients to book appointments. Built with Flask, Python, React, and JavaScript
Instructional Designer II
Management Concepts• April 2017 - April 2018
Instructional Designer
American Retirement Association• August 2016 - February 2017
General Assembly
Software Engineering Immersion Program, Certificate• December 2020 - June 2021
Programming Languages: Javascript, Python, HTML5, CSS3 Frameworks: Express, Flask, Node JS, Bootstrap, APIs, React, React Gatsby Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Heroku, Moodle
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Instructional Systems Development, MA• August 2013 - May 2016
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte
International Studies, BA• August 2005 - May 2009
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