David Blevins

United States


Systems Developer / Systems Integrator


Problem Solving
C language


Work Experience

  • Senior Systems Administrator

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,•  May 2018 - November 2019

    •Performed routine systems administration tasks on biocomputational, virtual machine, and data analytics clusters composed of hundreds of CPU nodes with the occasional mix of GPU nodes •Performed troubleshooting of code and coding environments in support of academic instruction and research projects •Managed 3 blazegraph implementations and 2 Stardog implementations •Performed systems maintenance and troubleshooting on a SLURM-driven compute cluster consisting of 200+ physical nodes(MPI driven code) •Implemented custom Virtual Machine Self-Service Provisioning system based upon ESXi freeware released by VMWare •Performed a first-pass Documentation effort for Deepcarbon project which utilized a wide variety of Semantic Web technologies (including VIVO) •Worked directly for the Tetherless World Constellation and Institute for Data Exploration and Applications

  • Data Scientist

    Booz Allen Hamilton•  June 2013 - April 2017

    •Acted as Lead Systems Integrator on new client contract •Set up one of the client’s first DevOps environments, which later received additional dedicated funding •Successfully launched prototype of Portfolio Analytics system •Designed architecture for a distributed information collation mechanism to handle multi-modal heterogeneous datafrom a variety of different data storage and distribution mechanisms in an environment requiring decentralizationand unpredictable service levels (i.e. general-purpose distributed high-resilience data integration mechanism) •Acted as Lead Developer and successfully launched client’s first cloud-based web-accessible institutional repository •Mentored staff in software development and documentation skills resulting in positive internal Quality Assurance ratings •Implemented Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based metadata system which resulted in a new client contract •Deployed the Data and Specimen Hub (DASH) research repository for the Eunice KennedyShriverNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) •dash.nichd.nih.gov repeatedly stayed online when other sites (including nih.gov) went offline. The system repeatedly proved tobe more resilient than other civilian web-based government resources. •Performed benchmarking on RDF database systems to gather quantitative metrics for an analysis of alternatives •Performed analysis of alternatives that led to several new client directions in technology •Aided in planning and maintenance of client’s first cloud-based environment (Amazon Web Services) •Benchmarked SPARQL Performance and Compliance of Blazegraph, Neo4j, Sesame, Jena, Virtuoso, Allegrograph, GraphDB (Ontotext), and Stardog databases for a government contract •Implemented RDF-derived solutions using Stardog, Sesame, and Blazegraph on 3 separate contracts •Received training from Clark and Parsia (now Complexible) regarding Semantic web technologies, language variations, implementation scenarios, and technology fit with respect to use cases •Performed ETL (extract transform load) experiments and utilization experiments for RDF and OWL technologies to examine feasibility and discover barriers to technology implementation strategies. •Have performed knowledge construction in Protégé, Sesame Java API, and via text editor in TTL (turtle) notation •Have performed RDF/OWL implementations for the VIVO, SDTM, ADaM, and UMLS taxonomic/schema/ontology systems •Participated at NSF Ontolog workshop for many years, and maintain professional contacts in industry and academia, including at NIH, FDA, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute •Implemented a taxonomy alignment proof of concept which utilized the National Library of Medicine Metamap tool (Natural Language Processing) and UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) as an integration taxonomy •Developed a high-level architecture for integrating multiple controlled vocabulary taxonomiesand schemas for utilization in a Data Discovery Index (DDI) for Research Portfolio Analysis •Developed an NLP proof of concept that utilized an RDF taxonomy to enhance automated analysis and retrieval of research papers in a Portfolio Analysis context •Worked with Government Life Sciences organizations and Private Pharmaceutical Corporations

  • Undergraduate Research Assistant

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,•  January 2013 - May 2013

    •Performed development and integration for Metamorphic Petrology database (MetPetDB) •Performed documentation of MetPetDB and S2S semantic facet widget system

  • Systems Integrator

    Etransmedia Technology•  May 2011 - December 2012

    •Implemented and/or supported dozens of HL7 interfaces for University of Pittsburgh Medical Center •Developed new HL7 interfaces for Allscrips Myway, ProEHR, and Enterprise products bringing workload back on schedule from a 1-year backlog •Provided specialized troubleshooting/investigation for errant Meaningful Use compliance reports •Implemented and maintained dozens (possibly over 100) systems integrations for the distributed health information systems •Implemented NIST 170.302 and 170.304 standards for OrthoEMR, resulting in Meaningful Use certification •Developed clinical decision support module for OrthoEMR •Integrated LOINC database for OrthoEMR’s lab reporting functionality


  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Computer Science, BS•  August 2009 - May 2014


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