Yash Adhikari

United States


Product Development Systems Engineer at OPKO Diagnostics


Problem Solving


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Work Experience

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  • University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst

    Computer Science, MS•  September 2018 - May 2020

    I learned a lot during my time here from my mentors as well as from taking courses such as Neural Networks and Advanced Algorithms. One of the highlights of the program was having the opportunity to work with IBM on multi-relational link prediction model for drug-drug interaction detection. Our research paper was accepted into the ICML 2020 Workshop.

  • Boston University

    Biomedical Engineering, BS•  September 2010 - May 2014

    Although I had the opportunity to work on various projects, one of the most fruitful endeavor included working on a low cost device for detecting neisseria gonorrhoeae. Our work resulted in our team receiving first place for the Societal Impact Capstone Project Award.


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