


Tech Leader at Jusbrasil


Problem Solving
Days of JS


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    JusBrasil•  March 2021 - Present

    Fullstack Software Engineer on Search Experience team. Working with Jusbrasil SERP (Search Engine Result Page) and with GraphQL search service. Experience working with search API and Elasticsearch indexing services. Stack: Javascript, React, Node, Scala, Server Side Rendering, GraphQL, Elastisearch, Relay, Jest, Cypress.

  • Software Engineer

    Resultados Digitais•  May 2019 - March 2021

    Fullstack Engineer on RD Station Marketing platform. Active participation in the construction of microfrontend using SPA in React of segmentation feature. Experience with async and background data processing in lead create pipeline. Stack: Javascript, React, Redux, React Testing Library, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform, AWS services, Sidekiq, Redis, Kubernetes, Docker, Linux

  • Software Analyst

    Senior Sistemas •  April 2012 - May 2019

    Software development for retail management. - Development of cloud microservice based software. - Stack: Java 8, GOlang, Android Development, Ionic, Angular(Typescript), RabbitMQ(AMQP), RMI, Spring Framework, JPA(Hibernate), Flyway, PostgresSQL, Oracle, AWS services, Docker, Linux, Postman


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