Arun Ajit Kumar



M.Sc Data Science @ PSG Tech.


Problem Solving


arunajit has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Summer Intern

    LatentView Analytics •  June 2020 - Present

    • Currently working on an application and its OpenCV based sub modules. • Contributed the lion’s share to overall development using Android Studio and OpenCV in Java.

  • Intern

    LatentView Analytics •  May 2019 - November 2019

    • As part of a team, developed an Android application and involved in the development of the machine learning core for to the Android application. • Built the machine learning core from scratch, viz. from data collection to building and fine-tuning the model. • Made the model evolve into a highly effective solution for edge deployment eventually. • Contributed the lion’s share via Android Studio predominantly, along with Python and AWS for specific cases.

  • Summer Intern

    PSG Software Technologies•  May 2018 - June 2018

    • As part of a team, developed an interactive querying module. • The module assists the user in framing queries on data, accordingly which would be a part of an application being developed. • Involved in backend development predominantly using MongoDB and Node.js


  • PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore

    Data Science, M.Sc.•  June 2016 - Present

    • Go Green - Developed in Python for optimizing the energy consumption of HVAC equipment using DDPG, thermal comfort predictions are obtained. • Prophet - Developed in Python for forecasting vendor market share using ARIMA and Prophet, also for causal inference using Bayesian Structural Time Series, the results were summarized in terms of table and plots. • Redux - Developed in Python for classifying the input pattern thereby providing patient specific treatment by using CNN and RNN on the SPLICE dataset, the predictions are obtained and compared. • Re-Invent - Developed with Python (flask - framework) and Oracle DB for effectively managing distribution channels along with recommendations that helps to maintain the inventories. • Yes2HealthyLife - Developed in Python that evaluates the physical wellness of students by building models, exploring the potential outcomes, and making quantitative decisions. Also, Data Visualization was specifically emphasized by specific plotting methods.


arunajit has not updated skills details yet.