Work Experience
Intern Software Support Platform Administrator
Webliveview•  March 2022 - September 2022
• Gained working experience in an e-commerce based software development company • Performed software testing across different devices such as desktop, iOS devices, Android • Developed database management skills (MySQL) • Worked closely with the designer to create new email templates and with the head developer to fix some bugs in the software • Gained experience in using a project management software (Jira)
Griffith College
Computer Science, BS•  September 2019 - June 2023
First Class Honors bachelor's degree. Over the college years i learnt languages such as Java (main), Python (cloud applications, PyQt5, object oriented programming), C++ (MPI), React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Kotlin, PHP. Some of the skills gained: data structures and algorithms, full stack web development from scratch, GUI applications, cloud applications, object-oriented programming, concurrent programming.
armeh207 has not updated skills details yet.