arka_bhowmick041 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
BIT Technology Solutions GmBH•  April 2020 - Present
Generating synthetic data for training autonomous driving systems. Writing scripts in python and bash to automate scene generation process and automation of production pipeline. Exploring novel methods for validation of synthetic data and quality analysis.
Working student and Master Thesis
BIT Technology Solutions GmbH•  June 2019 - March 2020
Generating face textures for 3D modelling of pedestrians using Generative Networks. Devising novel method using machine learning algorithm for unsupervised alignment of texture on 3D model and identity-preserving rectification
Working student
fortiss GmbH•  March 2018 - May 2019
Designing a tool to make design of manufacturing components more intuitive using Unity Game Engine. Responsible for parsing AutoML files and visualizing components into Unity using C# and .NET
Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich
Electrical Engineering, MS•  October 2017 - March 2020
Master of Science in Communications Engineering
arka_bhowmick041 has not updated skills details yet.