arbash_elias2 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Machine Learning & Deep Learning Engineer
Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover• November 2020 - May 2021
• Implementing a Deep Reinforcement Learning UAV Decision Making Agent for Autonomous Factories Scanning and Instant Mapping. • An extension of the two master thesis' - Performing the following tasks: 1. Designing the MDP framework: Action Space - State Space - Reward Function. 2. Evaluating DRL Algorithms + Designing the DNN Topologies For Camera & 3D Lidar Sensors. 3. Analyzing latest Research Papers: e.g., Actor Attention Critic - CCPPO - Flatland - Safe RL. 4. Conducting Experiments using: Robot Operating System (ROS) Framework with Gazebo Simulation Env in Ubuntu 18.04 + Python3. 5. Documenting Research & Experiments Results. • Team of Four Engineers. • Presenting & Reporting results at weekly remote meetings • Supervisor: M.Sc. Andreas Seel /
Control Systems Engineer
Institut für Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik • April 2020 - August 2020
• Designing a Control System for high-frequency AC/DC Converters (Power Electronics + Control Systems). • Building a Converter System & PID Controllers using Matlab Simulink & PLECS. • Conducting Simulation Experiments & Tuning PI controller. • Presenting & Reporting results at weekly remote meetings. • Part-time job. • Supervisor: M.Sc. Leon Fauth /
Universität Hannover
International Mechatronics", MS• September 2018 - October 2020
Double degree program at Leibniz University Hanover (International Mechatronics) and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Intelligent Systems) Score: 1.1
St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University
Intelligent System", MS• September 2018 - October 2020
Double degree program at Leibniz University Hanover (International Mechatronics) and St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Intelligent Systems) Score: 1.1
Al-Baath University
Mechatronics, BS• September 2012 - September 2017
5 Years: 60 Courses in the following fields: Mechatronics Eng- Control System Eng - Electrical Eng - Mechanical Eng - Electronics Eng Total Rate: 85.1% (Excellence)
arbash_elias2 has not updated skills details yet.