Kyle Bloom

United States


Software Engineer at Autologue Computer Systems


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Autologue Computer Systems•  September 2011 - Present

    Find and fix database Deadlocks Optimize application code both from a code and user interface perspective Designed a Testing ⇒ Staging ⇒ Production development flow to enable better integration testing of SaaS applications. Ported our legacy windows only terminal emulator to a web application. Allowing customers to interface with our management system from any browser. Building and maintaining verification and order tracking software to allow our customers to guarantee the correctness of their orders. Moved data ingestion to Consumers using RabbitMQ to nearly eliminate data loss. Designed, wrote, and maintain a React Native signature capture application to go along with our eDelivery SaaS product. Created a map screen to display dispatches, stops, and the driver path for our eDelivery SaaS product using Leaflet. Upgraded the front end websites to use Bootstrap,, and pdf.js in order to improve functionality. Designed, wrote, and maintain a CefSharp desktop application to allow our Management Systems to use web based parts catalogs.


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