Certificate: Frontend Developer (React)
Certificate: Software Engineer
Certificate: JavaScript (Basic)
Certificate: JavaScript (Intermediate)
Certificate: Node (Basic)
Certificate: Node.js (Intermediate)
Certificate: Software Engineer Intern
Certificate: Go (Basic)
Certificate: Go (Intermediate)
Certificate: Angular (Basic)
Certificate: Angular (Intermediate)
Certificate: CSS (Basic)
Certificate: React (Basic)
Certificate: Python (Basic)
Certificate: Java (Basic)
Work Experience
Web & Mobile Developer (Android & IOS)
PT. Mojadi Aplikasi Indonesia•  February 2023 - June 2023•  Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
Spearheaded the development and deployment of Android and iOS applications using Flutter. Coordinated with cross-functional teams using Git for version control. Developed and implemented a comprehensive ICT syllabus for MojadiPro MOOCs. Led the application of the SCRUM methodology for project management. Translated the UI into modular components using Vue, Livewire, and AlpineJS. Architected and integrated RESTful APIs using Laravel.
Back-End Web Development
PT. Impactbyte Teknologi Edukasi•  August 2022 - December 2022•  Jakarta, Indonesia
Directed the design and development of user-centric UI/UX prototypes. Engineered responsive web designs. Applied Design Thinking to develop innovative solutions. Constructed secure and high-performance server-side applications and RESTful APIs. Collaborated with front-end developers to deliver cohesive web applications.
Helper Production
PT. Abadikurnia Citrarasa (Holland Bakery)•  January 2019 - July 2019•  Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
Increased production efficiency by implementing process optimizations. Reduced machine downtime through proactive maintenance and timely troubleshooting. Generated detailed performance reports for process improvements.
Institut Teknologi Indonesia
Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering•  September 2020 - September 2024•  GPA: 3.38
SMK Letris Indonesia 1
Vocational School Diploma in Teknik Komputer Jaringan•  January 2016 - January 2019•  Percentage: 80