Work Experience
Analytics Consultant
Simdaa Technologies pvt ltd•  November 2022 - November 2023•  Gadhinglaj
Worked with data managers situated across globe of one of the largest Indian agricultural MNC to deliver project using ARM software and Microsoft Power BI. Co-ordinated with data managers for requirement gathering and delivering accordingly. Implemented ARM software to centralize all the decentralized data from multiple countries into a unified database. Utilizing ARM software for data validation prior to exporting it to an SQL database. Data containing errors and warnings is addressed, validated, and exported to the SQL database. Data is imported from the SQL database for the purpose of data visualization. Created Power BI Dashboard by connecting to the data source, followed by data transformation in the Power Query Editor and building reports and dashboard. Implemented various KPIs using DAX, different charts, bookmarks, slicers, and page navigator to enhance visual appeal. Publishing the dashboard in Power BI services, sharing the reports to stakeholders as per RLS. Connecting the report with Power BI Gateway and scheduling for auto refresh.
Shivraj College Gadhinglaj
Computer Science, BS•  June 2016 - March 2019•  Percentage: 63.29