anjana_cruzz08 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Systems Engineer
Infosys Limited•  February 2021 - October 2021•  Coimbatore
Contributed to the design and implementation of front-end and back-end systems as a MEAN stack developer. Involved in designing, coding, and testing software applications using Java, Spring Boot, SQL, and Angular. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to analyze requirements and develop innovative solutions.
AWS Intern
KGiSL IMS GLOBAL ACADEMY•  June 2019 - October 2019•  Coimbatore
Developed websites and hosted them using AWS Services such as EC2, EBS, VPC, and S3. Enhanced optimization using Jenkins. Worked on Linux systems and gained practical knowledge in the networking domain using Cisco Packet Tracer.
PSG College of Arts & Science
M.Sc Software Systems•  June 2016 - May 2021•  GPA: 8.1