Andrey Karailiev

United Kingdom



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andreykarailiev1 has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Research Assistant/Associate

    AMOP Group, Cavendish Laboratory•  October 2024 - Present•  Cambridge

    Experimental research in ultracold homogeneous 2D systems, with a focus on far-from-equilibrium behaviour. Experience in: (i) programming for data analysis, physics simulation, and control software across Python, C++, and Mathematica, (ii) optics and electronics design, and (iii) project management and planning.

  • Men’s & Overall Captain

    First and Third Trinity Boat Club•  July 2023 - July 2024•  Cambridge

    Elected Captain by popular vote of the college rowing club for the 2023-2024 academic year. Lead crew allocation/management, training, recruitment, and event logistics for the membership of 100 people.

  • Development Advisor, Founder

    Genie Delivery•  July 2020 - January 2021•  Cambridge

    Executed a company model, with a project start in July and October launch. Built company infrastructure (including insurance, incorporation, and accounting) and created marketing strategies with a rapid deployment.

  • Drinks Officer

    First and Third Boat Club May Ball•  July 2018 - July 2019•  Cambridge

    Managed a 60,000 GBP ex-VAT budget for a 2500 person event. Worked with existing drinks contractors, and created new business relations, to negotiate event supply.

  • Summer analyst

    Goldman Sachs EM Ficc Strats Desk•  July 2018 - September 2018•  London

    Implemented APIs for automated pricing and trading for products in the interest-rate and credit asset classes.

  • Summer Research Student

    SMF Group, Cavendish Laboratory•  July 2017 - September 2017•  Cambridge

    Carried out numerical simulation of stochastic diffusive systems in surface physics using Matlab/Simulink.


  • University of Cambridge, Cavendish Laboratory

    PhD in Atomic Physics•  January 2020 - Present

  • University of Cambridge, Trinity College

    Natural Science Tripos, Master of Science•  January 2019 - January 2020

  • University of Cambridge, Trinity College

    Natural Science Tripos, Bachelor of Arts•  January 2016 - January 2019

