Work Experience
Software Engineer
J&C Gestão de riscos • October 2023 - June 2024• Barueri, SP - Brazil (On-site)
Risks management company. • Solo development of automatisation of clients' mailing process using Python3, Selenium as RPA and OpenPyXl and Pandas libs as well as Django's inspectdb command. • Team development of fullstack application for company’s internal demands of load monitoring logistic. Worked as backend development with Python3, Django MVT, SQLite3 and Javascript HTML DOM. • Development of integration with third-party company APIs using Python3, pyodbc lib and SQL Server database.
Software Engineer
OZmap• June 2023 - August 2023• Brazil (Remote)
Optical fiber mapping company. • Optical fiber manipulation and georeference mapping with Python3 scripts, Docker, MySQL. Use of tools such as Webstorm, Bitbucket and Pycharm. • Import, conversion and manipulation of data of KML and KMZ files. • Solo participation in a project for the reinstallation of fiber optics in Brasília. • Documentation of the company's services and tools with JIRA and Confluence.
Software Engineer
Vestcasa• April 2022 - October 2022• São Paulo, SP -Brazil (On-site)
Household goods retail company. • Fullstack development of application that logs suppliers to its dashboards in PowerBI and also the CEO's company as superuser to all dashboards. • Frontend: Typescript, Material-UI, Chakra-UI, React.js and ContexAPI; • Backend: Django and PostgreSQL; • BI: PowerBI; • DevOps: AWS S3, AWS EC2 and Docker
Peer coach (Students monitoring)
Kenzie Academy Brasil• June 2021 - November 2021• Brazil (Remote)
Web development remote school. • Responsible for assisting students that intend to be web developers in programming course as well as guiding key points such as organization, communication and resolution of practical challenges in front-end topics, enabling practical experience and stimulating hard and soft skills. • Oriented students in Quarters 1 and 2 while studying the next modules/quarters.
Kenzie Academy Brasil
Fullstack web development, Certificate• January 2021 - April 2022
2.000-hour Fullstack Development covering Front-End and Back-End technologies as well as soft skills needed for the job market. Among the languages and technologies learned are HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (ES6+), React, Redux, Python (Django and Flask) and SQL.