


Software Engineer


Problem Solving


Work Experience

  • Back End Developer

    Telkom Indonesia•  January 2023 - Present

    Project Scope: Tracking, Monitoring, and Fleet Management System • Involved in the development of two products based on the project scope: IndiCar (Indonesian Digital Connected Cars) and IFMS (Integrated Fleet Management System), under the Telkom IoT initiative (main website: These applications (established in 2018) provide comprehensive analytics on vehicle tracking, tracing, and monitoring Driving Behavior. Key Driving Behavior metrics include vehicle speed, acceleration, braking, fuel consumption, ignition events, and trip record data. • Handles and maintains a data queue system to support real-time data consumption from each vehicle and tracking device (Teltonika, Gosuncn, Meitrack, and Ulbotech). We implement Apache Kafka to deal with massive data queues from thousands of devices (currently 2700+ Vehicles) for each vehicle. • Adhering to industry best practices in code writing (e.g. Clean Architecture, SOLID, DRY, and KISS), implementing optimization on building database (PostgreSQL) queries, and writing unit tests for each developed feature with overall line coverage > 85% (Telkom’s standard coverage set to 80% at minimum). Line coverage, Code smells, and any IntelliSense functionality for writing code is monitored using SonarQube. • The customers of these products were widely expanded to many sectors. such as Mining, Health Services, Police Operations,

  • Software Developer Intern

    Telkom Indonesia•  July 2022 - December 2022

    Project Scope: Smart Public Lightning System (Smart PJU) • Involved in the development of the product, named Smart PJU (Penerangan Jalan Umum), a cutting-edge IoT product focused on intelligent public street lighting controlled at a centralized admin panel. • This project can send controls of hundreds of Public Lightning Street in real-time just on one dashboard panel. The controls for example: Relay Status, Brightness, Setting kWh Rate, Maintenance Status, and Schedule ON/OFF. • Maintaining Both Frontend and Backend services using Nodejs to develop and deliver it faster. Some features are implemented in basic algorithms such as trees & stacks. • Collaborate directly with the supervisor, been the Senior Software Developer in Telkom IOT since 2018. The application can be accessed via link


  • Institut Teknologi Bandung

    Mathematics, BS•  August 2019 - June 2023


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