Alberto Piñón Formoso



Software Engineer at Wizeline


Problem Solving


albertopformoso has not earned any certificates yet.

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer

    Wizeline•  May 2022 - Present

    • Build APIs with Go and the Echo framework. • Work with PostgreSQL and BigQuery for interaction with the APIs, • Use design patterns to create the connections to different databases for projects, • Refactor Go code from sequential to concurrent. • Implement Go log frameworks for logging outputs to be stored and reachable through time. • Document APIs with Open API specifications • Build CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins and GitHub Actions. • Dockerize Go apps on minimal size images. • Work with Nexus Repository to upload artifacts. • Work in projects with AWS and GCP. • Create infrastructure on different cloud providers with Terraform. • Configure infrastructure with Ansible. • Scripting with bash and python.

  • Software Engineer

    Globant•  July 2021 - May 2022

    • Develop backend code with Flask and Django frameworks for clients • Write effective and scalable python code • Test driven development with Django • Build RESTful APIs with Flask and Django Client: Google Inc. • Work as part of Google's team on the Delivery Center as a Cloud Engineer consultant expert in Google Cloud Platform services • Deliver foundational GCP resources and technical design documents • Give training and deep dives to customers about GCP services • Application modernization of legacy services or build cloud-native applications using Google Cloud's end-to-end solutions • Work with Google's Apigee X platform for developing and managing APIs by fronting services with a proxy layer and providing it with security, rate limiting, quotas and analytics.

  • Software Engineer

    MERU•  November 2020 - April 2021

    • Web Scraping e-commerce sites with Scrapy, Selenium and BS4 for product intelligence • Work with requests and urllib3 for APIs data extraction • Use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate smart e-commerce product tags • Modeling Time series for forecasting container prices • Help the business to select the best products for the marketplace with Machine Learning Techniques • Create microservices with Flask for internal tools

  • Software Engineer

    Abbott Labs•  July 2019 - July 2020

    On my stay as an intern I developed some tools to automate weekly reports and also elaborate some auto-updatable templates for measuring the quality metric systems health.


  • Universidad Panamericana

    Engineering and Project Management, ME•  July 2020 - May 2021

  • Universidad Panamericana

    Data Science, BS•  July 2020 - May 2021

  • Ironhack

    Data Analytics, B.Tech•  April 2020 - October 2020

  • Universidad Panamericana

    Engineering, BE•  January 2016 - May 2020


albertopformoso has not updated skills details yet.