akar28 has not earned any certificates yet.
Work Experience
Software Engineer
BlackBerry• January 2023 - April 2023
Product Engineering - CylanceGATEWAY & BlackBerry Messenger Enterprise.
Software Engineer
BlackBerry• May 2022 - August 2022
- Designed and implemented a JSON configuration file validator in C++ from scratch and integrated it into BlackBerry IVY Intelligent Vehicle Development Platform. - Implemented Permission Service callback feature to facilitate the interaction of clients with the camera service and aligned old code. Created and published Bash scripts to automate building and testing. - Created tools with Python, AWS Lambda, & AWS S3 to automate uploading and downloading release packages. - Undertook voluntary documentation effort to improve code readability of IVY. Conducted extensive UX research on IVY and code reviews on code written by teammates. Participated in Agile ceremonies regularly.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo
Computer Science, BS• September 2020 - Present
Honors Computer Science Co-op
akar28 has not updated skills details yet.